Saturday, December 5, 2009

Prepare strategically for your GRE !!!

I need not say how important it is to Score good in GRE, the Quantitative & Verbal section. Verbal WORDLIST -you slog yourself out by, by-hearting the BORING wordlists, so that you can solve analogies & antonyms. You study all day all night during traveling in train, bus, auto… even in bathroom!! You are so stressed out on studying & knowing all the 50 wordlist from Barron’s, referring social networking site that gives the updates on the latest GRE words that came in the exam. Studying & solving all the material that you gathered from different institutes…doing this for the sole purpose of getting into a top ranked university with good Scholarship. But are you doing it strategically…??

With much of experience & observation in training for GRE this is what I have observed. I’m sure many will agree with me.

First, borrow a GRE Barron’s form one of the friend/senior who has recently given GRE and by-heart all 50 wordlist (not knowing what they are reading, where did the originated from) and then, solve Quantitative sections because you know the formulas it is easy. Solve all the GRE papers given by his senior/friend. But, after GRE Exam scoring less in Verbal section they say Madam I studied all the 50 wordlist from but couldn’t understand the meaning of most of the words that came in the exam.

The question is whether you studied tactically?

You have to study with some careful planning, when you start with your Vocabulary make it a point that you study the Prefix, Root & Suffix of the words so that when you divide the word you know its meaning and where it is coming from. Then doing the High Frequency words and starting with your wordlist and understanding them i.e. whether it is a noun suffix or adjective suffix or an adverb. Study wordlist randomly but, keep a track what you are studying. Once you have done some number of words like say 12-15 wordlists divide your time & start with solving analogies & antonyms simultaneously, don’t stop doing wordlist. Carefully understand the tactics of solving them.

Just knowing all the words is useless, if you don’t where to apply what tactic. So, practice it is very important. Most importantly trying to understand why this has to be your best answer, finding the Strong REASON for your answer.

Prepare for your documents at the same time; take help of a professional counselor who will guide you well.

Remember, getting an admit from a university itself is a process. You don’t get I-20 only on good GRE Score. It is also your Academics, co Curricular & Extra-Curricular activities, Projects in college. While your GRE preparation, don’t forget to prepare your documents like keeping your passport ready, transcripts, recommendation letters from your professors, Bank solvency etc. Keep a track on the University requirement & deadlines. Because, if you get good score but miss the deadline due to lack of preparation of documents on time, you would be late not less than 6 months. So, be attentive.

1 comment:

  1. i have read everything posted in this email...will try to study and prepare myself in the way stated above...
