Friday, June 18, 2010


SAT & GMAT students have to face sentence correction questions on verbal section.Obviously the very word sentence correction suggests that there is some grammatical error in the given sentence which you need to trace out in the first place & then pick up the correct option from the given five options.Sounds simple isn`t it ? Well, it is simple provided you do your homework thoroughly on various grammar topics & have an intensive practice of a variety of sentences.

Here are a few tips to crack this otherwise tedious question type :

1. Always begin with the basics of grammar. Usually students overlook the basics & directly jump into the pool of SC questions which can prove detrimental to your performance.

2.Have a thorough knowledge of different types of grammatical errors.

3. Practice errorwise questions first to have clarity & then go for miscellanous errors.

4. Time your should not take more than one minute per question. initially you can have some concession on time but as you go further it should not exceed one minute.

5.Always make a note of the mistakes you make while solving. This helps in identifying your problem area & focus more on that.

6."PRACTICE MAKES MAN PERFECT" has proven true with many students & will be so even with you guys!!

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